Saturday, October 17, 2015


We got up early this morning and took a walk up the Danube on the Pest side and saw the shoe monument along the river representing citizens who were lined up there and shot on the eve of WWII. It was a beautiful walk on a nice day, and they have very nice pedestrian areas.

We then met up with a group fir a 2 hour walking tour of Budapest, where we learned lots of facts and history, including the correct way to pronounce "budapesht". Something that particularly caught my attention was that the Magyars who settled hungary were relatived to the Huns, and architecture there is 90% designed by Hungarians, but at the time was almost all financed ny Austria (hense very heavy Austrian infulence.)

After the tour we spent a fee hours wandering Buda, and had coffee at the oldest cafe in Buda. It was fantastic. 

On our way back to the hostel we saw a singing fountain and stopped to watch, and we got some famous goulash foe dinner. 

Tomorrow we're going to the farmers market, and checking out the Jewish quarter and things we didnt get to in Buda. Hopefully by then we will have conquered jet lag, and can go on a pub tour later at night! 

Underground pub

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